Tyler Lynn

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Tis the Season of Stress

Okay, okay, it's been almost a month since my last post.  Why?  Well, honestly, I haven't been in a creative space lately.  It's the end of the semester and it seems like professors love to assign 30 projects that are all due on the same day. 😑  In addition to my never-ending school work, I would be lying if I said I haven't been feeling really stressed out.  This semester is coming to an end which means next semester is quickly approaching.  The pressure is on - find classes, get an internship, choose a career, apply for a new job, save money, balance school with everything else, and try not to lose my mind in the process.  It's overwhelming to say the least.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and as weird as it may seem, I'm actually grateful for the season of stress.  When I look back over my life (as if I'm 90 or something), I realize that every season of stress was followed by a season of success.  I've come to learn that there is no sunshine without rain, no winning without losses, and blessings come with patience. ⏳ I have challenged myself to be still within these last few weeks of the semester and really listen for God's direction.  I have felt defeated and overwhelmed but I know that I will overcome and prosper.

I guess what I'm trying saying, to myself and to you, is that in a season of struggle we have the opportunity to get closer to God and really tune in to His desires and not our own.  Sometimes He tests us to see if we'll lean on Him or try to do it ourselves.  He wants to see if we can practice patience and wait for our blessings or if we will throw in the towel and give up before we give Him a chance to pour out His blesssings.  I find it more challenging when I try to solve things on my own instead of just letting go and letting God.  I'll leave you with this:

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17 NIV

No matter what season you are in, I hope that you are encouraged and know that tough times do not last forever, tough people do.  Trust in God and let Him lead you.  This holiday season, try to be a light to someone else and encourage those around you. 💫  Until next time...

All My Love,

Tyler 💜