Tyler Lynn

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Meaning Behind the Name

The other day someone asked me why I chose to name my blog Tyler Lynn and I was confused at first because the obvious answer to their question was, well, my name is Tyler Lynn.  To clarify, my first name is Tyler and my middle name is Lynn.  I should've said that the simple answer to their question was that I named my blog after myself but I suppose there's a little bit more to it.

My mom named me Tyler. When I was younger I used to get made fun of for several reasons and one of them was because of my name.  That's a boy's name.  Well obviously not if I'm a girl named Tyler. Girls aren't supposed to have boy's names.  I didn't know there were rules to names lol.  Why is your name Tyler?  That was the name that my mom decided was right for me.  Is that really your name, what's your real name?  Yes, Tyler is my government, super official, realer than real name.  Some people call me Ty, T, Lynn, or they call me by my last name but most people call me Tyler.

I used to be insecure about my name because kids are mean and people are insensitive.  Until recently, I had never met any girls named Tyler.  As I got older I began to like my name more and more.  It's different, unique, something to remember (until people call me Taylor instead), and I'm proud of my name.  I've always loved my middle name and it flows well with my first name, shout out to my mom!  

When I was thinking of a name for my blog I wanted it to be personal, memorable, and easy.  So, I used my name.  Tyler is cool but Tyler Lynn seems to encompass all of me and an older me.  I started identifying as Tyler Lynn on social media and I feel like it's something I'm growing into.  Like I said earlier, as I'm getting older I love my name even more than when I was younger and I find that Tyler Lynn is a lot more mature and is headed in a promising direction.  I've always wanted something named after me and I've always wanted a blog so why not name my blog after myself?  

Learning to love my name was a huge part of learning to love myself and I'll talk about that in a later post.  I love my name and I am pretty proud of Tyler Lynn if I do say so myself.  She's strong, determined, focused, and she's headed for success.  What's the meaning behind your name?  Mine literally translates into someone who lays tile, back when people's names were often tied to their craft or their trade but I decided to give my name a cooler meaning lol.  What's the meaning behind your name?  Share in the comments!  

Before I go, I'd also like to add a few things:

  • As simple as my name is, people still spell it wrong (ahem, Starbucks baristas and that girl in 2nd grade, you know who you are).  It's T-Y-L-E-R, pronounced tie-lur.  Not Tiller, not Taylor, not Tiler, not Tylor, not Tilor.  
  • If I have a child, their name will not be Tyler.  There can only be one.  If I have a daughter, her name will not be Taylor either.
  • Shout out to all of my teachers and professors who call role and look confused when I raise my hand.  "Oh sorry, I was expecting a boy."  Surprise, I'm a girl.
  • Yes, my name is Tyler.  No, you can't call me Taylor and if I don't know you like that, you can't call me Ty either.  

That's all for now lol.  See you in my next post!

All My Love, 


"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."

Jeremiah 1:5 NIV