65 Days
Well, hello! It's been a couple of weeks but the blogger is back. I don't know what the issue is but I feel like I've been struggling to come up with content. Sometimes I have these cool ideas for posts but there's a part of me that says I shouldn't upload it because I don't want to be boring or maybe it's not creative enough. I also feel like all I talk about is college but, to be honest, college is really my life right now lol. There are only 65 days left until graduation and I've been thinking about how I want these last 65 days to go.
I've been in school for 6 years now and it's weird that my time in college is coming to an end. (Before I get the questions, let me say that I am not sure about going to grad school. The thought stays in the back of my mind but I haven't made a decision yet.) A lot of my time in school has been spent "catching up". What I mean is, there were several classes I didn't need to take or had to retake because I didn't pass them. For a couple of years I wasn't sure what major I was going to declare so I was taking classes in just about every subject. When I transferred from a community college to a university, I finally knew what I wanted to major in and my classes were already mapped out for me. I felt this pressure to do well because my GPA from community college was decent but it wasn't great and at the time I was considering grad school so I knew I had to raise my GPA from okay to better than good. Now, I get to graduate with honors because my GPA is so nice, but I still feel the pressure to go all out and get a 4.0 this semester. I want to relax but can't relax because the never-ending anxiety about school always looms over my head.
I want to have fun in my last 65 days of school. I want to hang out with some of my classmates so we can keep in touch after graduation. I want to finally go to some college events and be social for once lol. I'm excited for graduation but I also feel overwhelmed with the decision of picking a career now to have something lined up for me then. Graduation is on a Friday and I feel like I need to have a well-paying career that starts on Monday. Are any of you graduating this semester? How do you feel about it? Do you have a career in mind or are you just kind of "winging it"?
No matter what happens in my last 65 days of school, I know that I am soooo excited to finally graduate and be free from essays, internships, exams, and math homework. I am proud of myself and if I have survived everything thus far, I know I can keep on pushing until the finish line. Whether it's your last semester or not, be encouraged and know that everything will work itself out. Do your best and don't forget to relax every now and then... treat yo self! See you next time...
"Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galations 6:9 NIV
All My Love,