Right Where I Should Be
DESTINY: (n) the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future
The one thing about life that I always forget, or maybe deny, is that everything (every. single. thing.) happens for a reason and in a certain order. Some call it fate, destiny, whatever. I call it God’s plan. You guys know that I’ve been talking for over a year now about my goal of teaching. From not getting into a credential program, to barely surviving my summer program, to feeling defeated in my job search… I finally have secured a full time teaching position as an Education Specialist. Whaaat?!
This summer was a hot mess, let’s not even sugarcoat it lol. My credential program has this deadline for securing a job and passing this exam and as the deadline approached, I assumed I would be overflowing with anxiety and defeat. But there was this feeling of peace that came over me… thoughts of reassurance about everything working out. Y’all know I always say things fall apart before they fall into place. They definitely fell apart, but piece by piece God is really putting things together for me. After applying to just about every school in every district near me, I finally got an interview and job offer in the same day. As if that wasn’t enough, I am surrounded by some of the most supportive and loving teachers and administration - some who I’ve known for years before working with them and it’s a pleasure to be their colleague.
In my recent posts I shared that the closest person to me had been diagnosed with cancer which completely shook up my world. After the last few months of prayers, highs, lows, love, and support from the dopest people on earth, my mom is on the road to being completely cancer free. It’s been the best feeling to be able to take care of her as she’s taken care of me for my entire life. Okay let me stop before I start crying lol. I’m sharing because I know other people go through this awful health condition, and I know it’s one of those things that doesn’t feel real until it happens to you. The small defeats have lead to the biggest victories and wow, God is really awesome. Really, really awesome…
I’m going to keep this post short because I find myself a little short on words aside from thank you (and because I have lessons to prep lol). To everyone who reads my posts, shares them, messages me about them, thank you. To everyone in my circle who reaches out and encourages me right when I need it, thank you. To my warrior of a woman, my mama bear, my favorite person on this earth, thank you for every single thing you’ve ever done for me (she reads all of my posts!). There will never be enough words to say thank you and I love you, but thank you and I love you from the depths of my soul. Alright I’m crying now…
From the little 25 year old lady with a blog full of random thoughts that people really be reading, my heart is so full. Thank you! The support and love doesn’t ever go unnoticed, and I look forward to continuing to share my journey. All I ask is that you continue the support because it pushes me every single day, and if you want to donate to my class, hit ya girl up lol. Be easy y’all…
All My Love,
“This is what the Lord says - your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.’” Isaiah 48:17 NIV