It's 2020???
Here’s my obligatory New Year’s post… I know I was gone for about 3 months and we’ll get to that in a second but it’s 2020… WHAT?! It sounds so futuristic. I don’t know what I thought would come out of 2020 but this isn’t what I expected. I’ve been off for two weeks, I don’t know what day it is, I keep having pasta for every meal, and I’ve watched just about everything on Netflix. I almost feel like it’s not even a new year, maybe it’s 2019 part 2. But 2019 kind of dragged me so let’s not have a sequel lol. Before we get into the resolutions and everything, I feel like it’s only right to recap some of 2019 because even though it had some rough patches there were so many dope things that happened.
I became a teacher. I traveled to 20 different places. I saved my goal amount of money. I watched my mama bear beat cancer. I made some of the best memories with my best friends. My chalk art business was successful (even though I didn’t post on Instagram as much as I should have). I cut my hair and it grew back sooo fast. My family and I got to spend some quality time and make some new traditions. I finished one of the best books I’ve ever read - Eyes of a Child. I finally got a gym membership and I actually go about 3 times a week. (I haven’t been since before Christmas but we don’t have to talk about it.)
After my last post in September, I took a little bit of a break to focus on myself, try to adjust to my new job, and really just figure out what I wanted out of the rest of the year. I wish I could say that I had some great awakening and everything was great but in all honesty it was overwhelming and I didn’t really know how to process it all. I can, however, say that a break from my blog was needed. I love that you guys read this and connect with me through social media, and I never take it for granted. It just gets a little overwhelming sometimes trying to come up with content that’s going to keep everyone’s interest. But I’m back and I’m better!
For 2020, I really don’t have any crazy resolutions or big, fancy goals (except buy a new car, travel overseas, and maybe find out who my husband is going to be lol… jk, kind of). I definitely have some things I want to accomplish and I encourage you to write your goals down. Post it on your wall, type it in your phone. Look at it frequently to remind yourself what you’re working for and check them off as the year goes on. This year, I tried something new. I wrote my goals down on some post-it notes and put them on a cork board I have on my wall. Feel free to follow the template and share with me if you’d like!
I want to be… more organized at work.
I want to quit… accepting excuses from other people.
I want to have… $— saved by December 31st. (can’t share everything online lol)
I want to learn… how to make pasta from scratch.
I want to try… painting on blank canvases.
I want to start… having family dinner once a month.
I want to continue to… blog.
I’m going to stop… obsessing over things I can’t change.
Here’s some advice from what 2019 taught me: Stop being the go-to person for people you can’t go to. Stay in your lane, what’s meant for you is for you. Do at least one thing everyday that makes you laugh. Lean on your friends when you need to, that’s what they are there for. It’s okay to not be okay. Remember that if they wanted to, they would have. People make time for who and what they want. Have a monthly/weekly budget and stick to it as best as you can. Be the person you needed when you were younger. It’s okay to feel a little lost sometimes. Don’t stress over things you can’t change.
What are your plans? If you’re not sure yet, that’s okay. Just start small and go from there. Make short term goals throughout the year - keep it simple but don’t sell yourself short. Trust the process even when it doesn’t make any sense. Let God guide you and if nothing else… have fun this year!!! It’s 2020, you deserve all the good things that are about to come your way. Tough times don’t last forever. Be kind to everyone, drink water, stop using your/you’re incorrectly, try to make someone smile every day, and live your best life. Thanks for sticking with me through another year! :) See you in my next post…
All My Love,
“…and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you…” 1 Thessalonias 4:11 NIV
*mood all 2020… mind your business.