Journey to Jesus - Intro

Welcome back!  I feel like the last few posts were a fun way to introduce myself and some things that I'm into and I think now is the perfect time to dive into the deeper parts of me.  The most important piece of my life is my relationship with God.  I wanted to include a variety of posts under the broad umbrella of a Christian walk and I thought the perfect way to do that was to start a series called "Journey to Jesus".

We all know that life is a journey and I believe that walking with God is the best part of life's journey.  With this series I will include personal experiences, challenges, Bible verses, words of encouragement, and everything in between because sharing God's light is important to me and it's the biggest reason behind starting my blog.  I encourage feedback from anyone willing to share about their walk with God - we can't do life alone.  Please remember: it is not my intention to push the Bible on anyone but simply to share about how God works in my life and to share His light with anyone who comes across my blog.  With that said, let's begin the journey shall we? 😊

I grew up in church and decided to accept Christ as my Savior at the age of 7.  I was baptized and was so excited to begin my walk with God.  I remember that day like it was yesterday.  I was always involved in church: I was in youth ministry, attended Bible Study every week, planned youth events, taught Vacation Bible School, etc.  Everything was going great but towards the end of my first semester in college I felt like I was going through the motions and I wanted something... more.  I began to realize that my mom's faith, my best friend's faith, my pastor's faith couldn't get me into Heaven.  I needed to know for myself who God was and what He meant in my life.  So I began...

I decided that I was going to start learning exactly who God was and I was determined to have a closer relationship with Him.  I prayed, I joined a small group, I surrounded myself with more Christian friends, etc.  I read the Bible and I saw that God said He would provide, He would love, He would protect, He would be faithful in hard times.  I needed to know that He would follow up on His promises and let me tell you - I learned very quickly that He keeps His promises. 😀

Specifically, I found out that God is exactly who He says He is.  I was at a party in December 2013 that ended in gun fire and I almost lost my life.  With everyone trying to get out of the neighborhood my friends and I were in a car accident.  My life was spared when it didn't have to be and I knew Jesus would protect me.  A few months later I had $25 to my name for a long time but I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, and didn't have to pay a dime for tuition and I knew Jesus would provide for me.  I was in a ridiculous relationship and when it was over I learned what love was not and God was faithful to show me what real love is.  When I was feeling discouraged and anxious about going into my last year at community college I asked God to just somehow show me that I was on the right path and within 10 minutes I got a text from someone who said, "hey I know you're worried about a lot right now but God just put it on my heart to let you know that you're doing a great job in school and one day you'll get to where you want to be... what's meant for you will always be yours and don't let anyone take it from you."

What can I say?  My God is awesome.  I wanted to kick start this series by telling you a bit about the start of my journey and let me tell you - the journey just keeps getting better.  I look forward to sharing more in the future and don't forget to share some of your experiences with God in the comment section.  I pray for love and light towards anyone who is reading this.  Until next time...

All My Love,

Tyler 💜

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